

    IBC Fire Code Benefits

    Advantages of Stainless Steel
    IBCs over Poly Composite IBCs

    The advantages of intermediate bulk containers over drums are clear, particularly when considering IBC fire codes. But what kind of IBC is best for your application? Poly composite IBCs or stainless steel tanks?

    As seen in the videos below, stainless steel IBCs provide overwhelmingly better protection for the storage and transport of certain combustible chemicals when facing the immediate threat of fire.

    Fire trial of a stainless steel IBC containing diesel fuel

    In this video, the fire has literally no effect on the stainless steel IBC. The fire burns under the IBC for more than 7 minutes. The diesel fuel remains safely in the container.

    Fire trial of a poly composite IBC containing diesel fuel

    This video shows the same situation with a poly composite IBC. It takes less than ninety seconds before the container is compromised. Shortly thereafter, the IBC bursts into flames and the diesel fuel flows freely from the container, allowing it to spread rapidly to adjacent containers where the effect would be multiplied.

    Contact us now for help with selecting the right IBC for your needs.

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